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Bob + Cosy + Oscar
Insulin dosage
7 units every 12 hours (after Breakfast and Dinner)
Store in fridge
Invert vial and draw to 7 mark on syringe
Before giving dose, make sure she eats at least some food Note: if she refuses to eat, give 1/2 insulin dose. If she refuses a second meal, call vet.
How to give injection
Lift up skin at shoulder blades to create "tent" to stick needle in
Angle insulin syringe at 45° angle, draw back a small bit to make sure there’s no blood in hub.
If there’s blood, you’ve hit a blood vessel and need to pick an alternative site.
If there’s no blood, then gently push insulin into subcutaneous space.
Tell her she’s a good girl, give her a pat and suggest she come get a treat for being such a good doggy.
Alternate shoulders with each injection.
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